Your Soul Essentials ~ Testimonials of Quantum Soul Reading

Reviews / testimonials van klanten die inmiddels hun Galactic Astrology Soul Reading report / zoom call hebben ontvangen:

~ "I won a lottery for a reading with Sylvia and it truly was a jackpot win in a sense. So much insight and answers I didn't know I was needing we're shared through our zoom call. I was surprised to hear of my dragon origins and she assured me she dowsed 3 separate times and got the same answer each time. She informed me of origins and incarnations in Atlantis and Lemuria after identifying specific markers in my asro chart that are strong common indicators. Synchronsitically enough, the same week I received my reading from her i was introduced to a random intuitive woman who told me my dragons were waiting for me and a few other details that correlated directly to information I was to but had not yet received from Sylvia. I've watched my reading with her many times to get more clarity on things and I'm always delighted and warmed by her sheer love of what she does. She loves being able to assist clients in opening a huge door to themselves by providing her own version of a key that grants access and interest so they get excited to take the first steps through that door and onto their path of awakening and rememebrance.  She told me my aura colors and life themes. Gifts I have that have been gleaned and garnered from my lifetimes incarnating along the way. Soul origins and the seeking I was exploring as a soul on its path from body to body and back to soul again. I didn't allow it at the time so she didn't know it but I later told her how she made me want to cry 3 separate times in the reading. Just by hitting the nail on the head with information deeply resonant and relatable within me. It was a gift she gave me and she didnit with grace, excitement, and an obvious pure Love for the sharing of this information.  I didn't know what to expect going into the reading but I was touched, moved to tears and inspired and energized by her words and the wisdom and knowledge she provided snd brought through.  It still tickles me how excited she was to speak about my NN connections to Saiph. She gave me invaluable knowledge on being and navigating life as a shadow hunter. What that means and how to best work with that energy and role. It provided Clarity that I was needed so I can understand some experiences that weren't yet making sense. She delivered the reading in an easy to understand down to earth true to Taurus way which can be understood and accessible to anyone. I thoroughly and enthusiastically recommend receiving a reading by her. See herself is a beautiful magical soul that has provided a smile within my heart in each interaction. And she's also got some really interesting research ideas she's been developing that is not yet known to the public but shared within readings when it connects to the client. I will say no more on that since she is still doing her diligent research and it will share when it's ready. Thank you so much Sylvia for my reading! It's still is giving me insights even almost a couple years later! In love and gratitude, E.L.

V.G. ~ "Julia Balaz recommended a handful of her diploma galactic soul readers, and I immediately felt drawn to ask Sylvia to do my galactic soul reading. I can warmly recommend Sylvia. She is a skilled soul reader and communicator, and I felt warmly guided through all the information’s connected to my galactic experiences, in a natural, down to earth manner. Sylvia opened my eyes to the perspective of a galactic soul reading, and showed how it can add new valuable information and perspectives to a astrological reading".

B.B. ~ "Mijn man en ik kennen Sylvia al heel wat jaren en ze kwam/ komt met regelmaat naar ons en wij naar haar voor massages. Ze houdt zich al wat jaartjes bezig met essentiële oliën die ze gebruikt tijdens de massages en ze beveelt oliën aan voor kwaaltjes als we om hulp vragen. Sinds kort is Sylvia Quantum Soul reader en dat wekte bij mij enorme nieuwsgierigheid op. De vraag ‘waarom ben ik op aarde’ spookt ook al sinds mijn pubertijd door mijn hoofd. Vandaar dat ik heb gevraagd of ze voor mij een galactisch astrologisch soul reading report wilde maken. De eerste keer mijn report gelezen te hebben leverde wat verwarring op want ik begreep er werkelijk niets van. Gelukkig nam Sylvia zich de moeite om naar ons toe te komen en heeft ze me uitleg gegeven. Het geschrevene werd me iets duidelijker, maar het blijft voor een leek een moeilijke materie. Ik vind het knap dat Sylvia er zoveel van af weet. Als Sylvia iets wil dan bijt ze zich er in vast. Zo ken ik haar wel. Sylvia heeft mooie afbeeldingen in het report geplaatst en dat maakt het verslag wat levendiger. De inhoud van het report zal ik af en toe nog eens moeten herlezen totdat het helemaal tot me is doorgedrongen. Maar als ik Sylvia vraag om het nog eens een keer door te nemen dan doen ze dat want Sylvia neemt de tijd voor mensen, straalt rust uit en is positief ingesteld. Bedankt voor het indrukwekkende report Sylvia".

R.B. ~ "Ik hoorde over galactic soul Reading via een telegramgroep van Oracle Girl. Omdat ik ooit al een horoscoop had laten maken sprak dit nòg dieper of verder onderzoek mij aan. Ik was benieuwd met welke sterrenstelsels ik verbinding had. Dat verklaarde veel van hoe ik mijn leven altijd al ervaren had en daarom was het voor mij een welkome bevestiging. Als je echt wilt achterhalen waar je vandaan komt is dit een echte aanrader!"

P.d.F. ~ "In de eerste plaats heb ik het als bijzonder ervaren! Het was voor mij eerst een beetje ongrijpbaar. Maar door de hele uitleg bracht het het dichterbij en gaf me inzichten in mezelf. Het heeft ook lang doorgewerkt na het gesprek, dat ik zaken kon koppelen waarom ik ben wie ik ben. Ik heb nog niet de volledige uitleg gehad wat Sylvia er allemaal uit weet te halen. Maar dat ga ik zeker nog doen!"

M.Y. ~" Sylvia, Wow! I had been looking forward to this but didn’t expect it to arrive on the exact day given. You are amazing! At Lions Gate portal too. Wasn’t aware of the portal when I ordered. Oh the joy of synchronicities! This is a work of art. The pictures, graphics, details, - It’s 1000 times more than what I expected. Absolutely exquisite work ❣️ Yes, it resonates in a most magical yet earthy, grounded, real way. My ears are ringing after my first read. I’m off to initiate some of the recommendations - a glass of water and a walk in the park :) After I settle a bit, have another read, I will have a few questions which I so appreciate that you are willing to answer. Thanks from the bottom of my heart"

Canis Major constellatie

K.E. ~ Thank you for the report. I find that it rings true for me. I have been told that I have come from a place of much higher light and vibration. Your reading really confirms this! Thank you so much for your talent and diligence to get this done in such a timely manner! Hugs & Blessings"

S.A. ~"I am overwhelmed of how much Sylvia worked with my soulhistory it is really Amazing to get answers of the question I Always had: Who am I and what is my purpose here on Earth. It made my heart feel warm and I am really moved into tears. I feel totally safe and loved with Sylvia and the way she presented my chart. Very Loving and humble. I can highly recommend Sylvia and you will after that session have many answers to questions you had all your Life if you are like me. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you"

H.A.~ "Een paar maanden geleden beluisterde ik een interview van Elena Danaan met Julia Balaz. Dit was de eerste keer dat ik hoorde dat er Galactische Soul Readingen bestaan. Dit resoneerde enorm omdat ik al van kleins af aan voel oorspronkelijk niet van aarde afkomstig te zijn. Ik ben dan ook al een heel groot deel van mijn leven op zoek naar de waarheid. Ik bezocht Julia haar website en besloot een lespakket te bestellen om zo meer over de werkelijke afkomst van mijzelf en mijn dierbaren te kunnen achterhalen. Zoals zo vaak het geval is werd tijd mijn grote struikelblok. Enkele weken geleden keerde ik terug naar de website om een reading aan te vragen bij een van de ‘practitioners’ en raakte in eerste instantie ontmoedigd omdat de wachttijden opliepen tot wel 6 weken. Half juni keek ik nogmaals en ontdekte dat Sylvia Stelten aan de lijst was toegevoegd. Ik stuurde haar gelijk een email die in eerste instantie in haar spambox terecht kwam. Op 1 juli arriveerde mijn Galactische Soul Reading in mijn mailbox. De inhoud ontroerde mij omdat het een bevestiging was van iets wat ik mijn hele leven lang al voel en met maar heel weinig mensen kon delen. Dit zou verplichte kost op scholen moeten worden. Het helpt je uit te vinden wie je werkelijk bent maar ook om de mensen die je liefhebt beter te kunnen begrijpen. Sylvia , ik ben blij je ontdekt te hebben!"

The star Fomalhaut from the Piscis Austrinus constellation

C.S. ~ "Sylvia is a wonderful, truly intuitive reader and healer. Sylvia is a joy to work with and has uncovered some very ancient and unbelievable connections. This was mind blowing! She is truly gifted. I believe this work is truly transformational. Thank you Sylvia for such a profound reading"

M.G. ~"I know Sylvia as someone always taking the extra mile, so I had no doubt this time was not going to be any different. This is powerful stuff so I should consider this a key moment in my life. I’ve always felt and operated very much out of place in this world. The world around me always seemed to have a single goal; temper my inner conviction that I could do anything. I tried many times and in so many different ways to engage with the world only to realize I should engage with myself and allow the world to engage with me. I know that any being is a work in progress and you are never really finished, still I always felt the world around me needed much more attending to than I did. My report showed some unusual anomalies (apparently) which were clear to me immediately. First of all, my inner strength was presented to me as a finished puzzle, the goal was to find the corresponding box and see why this puzzle of me was already completely laid out in the first place. Considering my galactic and energetic origin, grounding is one of three life goals that are crystal clear to me now. This goal is of the utmost importance to the other 2 goals. My second goal is to lay my weapons down, physical, emotional, vergal and energetic weapons. My fight is over, what is left is to be the ambassador of the bright light from within me so that others can find their way in the darkness, which is my third goal. A wise woman once told me that I chose this particular life to do not so much and just be. In retrospective, this did not sit well with me and my service to other attitude. Sylvia mastered an energetic trade which nicely filled in the blanks. I can now put the puzzle back in the box so another soul can start working on it. I’ll keep the light on so the shapes and colors remain visible. I have no doubt I will be able to return to my intergalactic tribe, presented to me by Sylvia which makes me tear up with a sense of joy and (be) longing every time I think of it. Thank you Sylvia, you have given me an intangible gift that will last throughout space and time"

B.H. ~ "I got to know Sylvia a number of years ago and I have to say she is a wonderful addition. Sylvia is sweet, with a natural knowledge and wisdom I recognized and felt immediately which have been well reflected in the past few years. We have lovely conversations in which I feel understood and I sense a beautiful depth and equality in our contact. I have always had an intrest in astrology but what Sylvia presented to me is amazing. This reaches into the depths of me and is so familiar, this information about my pure being has touched me deeply. I finally understand why I have never felt at home on this earth, and many times have felt alien. (And often I have been told so). From childhood I have felt alienated from the people around me, resulting in a number of psychological problems. I now understand my struggle with grounding regardless of that was literally or figuratively. Sylvia has given me many handles on better understanding my life here on earth and assured me that I am on the right path. Releasing control, self support and emotional stability are exactly the key points of my struggle in life, as I have worked hard on all of them and they show up in my report. I feel comfortable experiencing that this is my soul mission and all the pain and suffering along the way have been and will be well worth it, learning my life’s lessons. My biggest challenge was and is releasing control and self support has been a priceless addition to my life’s path. My emotional stability has been a rather big factor, but the information I received feels like a big help. These insights are a real “gift from the universe”. I find life on earth really uneasy, I believe in love, purity, equality and mutual respect and love….is the source for me. The absence of this source is what I find uneasy. I often don’t see purity, equality, respect and love anywhere. After reading my report I feel recognition, peace and acceptance which feels good. Whenever I feel down I know that I have something to read that puts me back in the power of ME. I love that the poetry book I wrote is titled “It starts with ME” My next book will probably be titled; “The power of ME is infinite”. It is a lot of information to take, but it feels very familiar so I’m sure I’ll be reading the report regularly to keep resonating with my goals and life’s mission. I see the good in everyone with all their love, which often makes it hard for me because at its core, what I see is right, yet they do not display this. This fact is well reflected in the report, as if the words recognize who I am which makes me happy even though my experience feels like a sad reality. The core for me is love….painful in this life but also a gift as long as I remain in its resonance. In wisdom and love I like to say… Thank you sweet Sylvia for this beautiful gift"

H.M. ~"Before I received my soul reading report via email, I had the pleasure of meeting Sylvia in person. We had an hour+long conversation about the things she already looked at and found out about my soul and previous lives. That was very nice; it gave me the opportunity to ask questions and make remarks in ‘real time’. However, there was so much information in this encounter, that I found it impossible to remember everything, even though I took notes. That’s why I was really happy to receive the report, so I could finally read and remember the vast amount of information she gave me earlier. Also, she added the things she wasn’t sure about earlier but would circle back on in the report. The report starts with a concise general explanation about the planets, their influences, their aspects etc. Then, after a detailed personal astrological birth chart, the report tells me about my (previous) cosmic lives: on what planet? in what dimensions? in what manifestations? with what reasons? All these things were new to me (in our first talk) I only knew of a few extraterrestrial life forms beforehand, but not of all these… Now I have a lot of terms and words on paper, I also have a perfect starting point to do my own research! Even though I never heard of a lot of things and species or my reasons to incarnate in a certain ‘people’ at a certain time span, IT REALLY RESONATES with the blessings and challenges in my current life as a homo sapiens on planet earth. Some things feel very familiar with my earthly character, those are confirmations. But there are also things that are so obvious that I couldn’t see because they’re right in front of my face (if that makes any sense?). I’m sure the latter things will help me to overcome my ‘pitfalls’ and negative tendencies. I like to say: ‘Ik kan maar niet aarde op deze planeet’. This soul reading report promises to be an important tool to better that. Thank you very much Sylvia! Lots of Love"

Our Galactic Center

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Chante Ishta,